Today is Let's Face It Day

1) Vegan food sucks. "It made me fat and bloated."
2) I am crazy. "Watching your whims and actions change every ten minutes is like watching someone with ADD channel-surf."
I was beginning to think that I was sampling from life like a smorgasboard, but now I know that in reality, I am insane.
Running back to my handy mac dictionary, insane is "a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction". Normal is defined as "conforming to a standard", and I don't want to be that.
Tiffany prefers the second definition of crazy, which is simply "extremely enthusiastic".
Let's face it: I don't want to be normal, and dairy makes things tasty.
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I know how it feels Tiffany. To be insane. You are awfully advanced for your age. It took me 40 years!
'Twas the eve of my undoing
Forty moons now turning red
People in my head unscrewing
Dangling from that final thread
Reins restraining angry horses
Voices barter with my lips
On the edge of vital forces
Soul and son of man eclipse
Words are arrows in confession
Pray God's ears now turn my way
Words are weapons in possession
Swords of spirit in the fray
Voices always make me shiver
When they fly between my ears
Make me nervous make me quiver
Make me know my deepest fears
by pizza 1996
Hi Tiff. I understand how it feels. To be insane. You are very advanced for you age. It took me 40 years!
'Twas the eve of my undoing
Forty moons now turning red
People in my head unscrewing
Dangling from that final thread
Reins restraining angry horses
Voices barter with my lips
On the edge of vital forces
Soul and son of man eclipse
Words are arrows in confession
Pray God's ears now turn my way
Words are weapons in possession
Swords of spirit in the fray
Voices always make me shiver
When they fly between my ears
Make me nervous make me quiver
Make me know my deepest fears
by pizza 1996
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Tiffany just figured this out now?!
1 - to equitek - tiffany's known that I was crazy for years, but she went for years without eating cheese.
2 - to pizza - tiffany and I are two different people. hence the usage of noun and pronoun.
thanks to both of you for commenting, and much love.
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