Made it to California!

Long drives are a wonderful way to contemplate life. It's so incredible to be able to span vast distances while encased in total comfort, with concert-quality sound blasting on the speakers, good food, a thermos full of coffee or tea (I alternated), and good weed. That does make the time fly by, and everything so much more interesting.
I said goodbye to Munchkin in Fort Collins, CO, where he'll be staying with Elena and her dog Athena. He loves them, and it'll be great for me to not have to worry about where I'm going to live while I get my job situation figured out. Munchkin loves to chase anything small, furry, and fast - Tiffany's got a cat. I'll be staying with Tiffany and her roommates while I document what it's like to try to live the greenest, healthiest, and most sustainable life possible.
That'll be quite a change from the way I've been living. When I got to Fort Collins, I was just in time to accompany Elena on her way to work at Lil' Nic's, a restaurant/bar where she adeptly runs an upstairs room from behind the bar. It's the kind of place where people go to feel classy instead of drunk, but a bar is a bar is a bar. Everyone's a lush, or else they'd be doing something else. I happily dug into the ribs, chicken wings, and potato salad - and damn, after two days of driving in blizzards, that beer was good. Okay, those five beers. We ended up hanging out with the rest of the bar staff after an early close, and went to a Thai restaurant where they cooked up an amazing feast, complete with coconut-wrapped fried bananas with coconut ice cream. Mmmmm.
I'm in the attic room of Deb and Matt's house, a narrow room with slanted ceilings running perpendicular to the orientation of the overall structure.

I love them all, and Maxwell is a joy to behold. It's a really great gift to be able to participate in their lives, and they are infinitely welcoming hosts, smart, charming people, and fantastic friends. I do love them, and life is great in California.