visions of green

aaron mcmanus - green life, real estate, and everything in between

Friday, April 28, 2006

together we are god

We have the power to change the world, my friends. I am here today, right now, to let you know that together we are God.

How can there be any other lesson than this?

Science, philosophy, and existence itself has been here to understand this purpose. We, collectively, can determine the fate of this planet. We have brought it to the brink of annihilation with our bombs. Our environmental negligence has all but destroyed our water, our earth, and the air that we breathe.

We have been afraid to take responsibility for this power. We are afraid to release the shackles, to find that we ourselves are the jailers, the punishers, the wardens, the governors, and the prisoners. We have created a world, in our history as people, the history of our existence, that is the product of the path that we have tread. For the first time in history, we can collectively see the consequences of our actions. By the time children enter high school, most know the broad strokes of the histories of the ruling powers over humanity and the world. Some ask questions, and seek. Some are thinkers, and they ponder. Some write, some draw, some paint. Many watch television. Many are lost in a vast cycle of consumerism and materialism that separates them from the universe. They have disconnected from their surroundings, the planet. They are not loved by the machine, they are not loved by their things, but they have not been told to seek love, and so they do not.

Where exactly does God play a role in this man-made world, we ask? We look around - see, we have built roads, we have made cars, we have made tall buildings and sculpted shore lines and grown cities out of the ocean. See the glory of what we have made! See how we have shaped this earth!

My child, you are playing with sandcastles at the beach. See my hurricanes knock down your small creations.

If we are separate from nature, existence becomes a dual. Struggling for survival against the elements, man fights nature with technology. A battle is fought, a weapon forged, a hero sought. We are told tales of warriors, knights in shiny armor, and wizards of fantastic powers. Stories have been passed down from generation to generation, along with the ebbs and flows of consciousness as it explores itself. This view is only part of the whole - if we are one aspect of existence, then man and nature are but puppets worn by a Hand. The Unseen Hand, perhaps - or maybe just a finger up the ass, tickling slightly...

If we see ourselves as part of the whole, as the left hand battling the right hand, if we see ourselves in our interconnected existence, we begin to see how we are a part of it all. Our actions have collectively shaped aspects of this planet to be what they are - we can turn this toward the garden of Eden, towards Paradise, towards Heaven - or not. We can battle, and we can see ourselves as constant losers to the wrath of nature. If we seek to kill nature by poisoning her, we will be thrown off by her cough. We are then ants pinching, seeking to destroy that which sustains us. This battle can have many outcomes, but one thing is for sure - a battlefield will be left in its wake.

We can choose the garden, or we can chose the battlefield.

If the choice of how we are to continue on this planet is our own, then does that not make us God? If we can shape our reality as simply as that, by making decisions together about what we wish to have happen, are we not God?

How are we to know?

Is every thought that we have not proof that we are part of something? Is the mere fact that we dare to tread on this planet not proof enough that our footprint in the dust has been our mark? Our cities, our towns, our villages - all structures fail. Waterfalls slowly carve down mountains. Glaciers sculpt fiords. Continents shift, the earth shakes and yawns as it adjusts in its slumber. Gas explodes with lava.

There is certainly an aspect of God in all the trees, the mountains, in the very earth, wind, water and sky. The plants and animals are of its essence, and so too are we. For whatever reasons, we have been shaped and created either by evolution or by design or by both, but the fact remains that we are here. We are in control of our own lives, and we are in control of our destiny. We are God.


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